118 Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99
Add-on Module/DSS Console
Delayed Ringing
3DUNDQG3DJH Park/Page Button
Press to park internal or outside call in orbit and announce to other telephones or paging
speakers to retrieve the parked calls.
3DUNLQ2UELW Park Button
Press to park internal or outside calls in an orbit. Call retrieval can be made locally from
the same parking telephone or remotely from a different telephone.
3RROHG/LQH*US Pooled Line Button
Press to access an available CO line from a group of lines appearing under one button.
3ULYDF\RQ/LQH Privacy Button
Press to block Privacy Override on common CO line buttons. This button does not block
Busy Override or Executive Override.
3ULYDF\5HOHDVH Privacy Release Button
Press to release privacy on common CO line buttons, enabling other station users to
enter your conversations on those buttons. Privacy release does not apply to common
[DN] buttons which are always private.
5HOHDVHDQG$QV Release and Answer Button
Press to disconnect or complete the transfer the current CO or [DN] call and
automatically answer the new incoming CO or [DN] call.
5HOHDVH&DOO Release Button
Press to disconnect or complete the transfer of the current CO or [DN] call and to place
your station in the idle condition.
6DYH/DVW1XPEHU Save Button
After dialing an outside or internal directory number, press to “save” the number. Later,
you can have the system automatically redial the number for you when you press the
button after accessing an internal or outside line.
Speed Dial Button
Press to Speed Dial a telephone number or feature access codes. SD buttons can be
used as either System Speed Dial numbers or Station Speed Dial numbers.
6SHHG'LDO Speed Dial Select Button
Press (in conjuncton with Redial) to store and access Speed Dial number.
6SG'LDO/QJ3DXVH Pause (Long) Button
Press to insert a 10-second pause when programming Speed Dial numbers.
6SG'LDO3DXVH Pause Button
Press to set either a one-half or two-second pause when programming Speed Dial
numbers. (The pause time is set in system programming).
Table 17 Feature Button Definitions