STE 58761
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1.5.5 Assigning a Name to Load Data
When entering load data, you have to assign a load name to that data. This name will be
used later in the program when telling the robot which load value to use.
Load names generally have a format like that shown in the example below:
SAMPLE1 is the load name (in this example).
The name may have up to ten characters.
The following characters may be used in the load name. (The first letter must be an
alphabetic character.)
Alphabetic characters: A to Z
Numerals: 0 to 9
Note: You may not use an identifier reserved for the SCOL language to name load
data. See Appendix B of Robot Language Manual for a list of such identifiers
(reserved words).
If you try to enter more than ten characters when inputting a load name, an error message
("name over") will be displayed and that entry will be invalidated.
If you try to enter anything other than an alphabetic character for the first character of the
name, an error message ("illegal key!") will be displayed and that entry will be invalidated.
If you try to enter anything other than an alphanumeric character when inputting the name,
an error message ("illegal key!") will be displayed and that entry will be invalidated.