14.2 PLU Data Setting
14- 5
Item Procedure
Adding a new PLU 1. Input a new PLU No. (max. 6 digits)
2. Touch the [ADD] key.
NOTE: The top 2-digit number is the department No. There is no zero
Calling a registered PLU 1. Input the PLU No. (max. 6 digits) with the numeric keys.
2. Touch the [PLU#] key.
Commodity name 1. Touch the Commodity Name area.
2. The Edit screen will appear.
3. Edit a commodity name (max. 32 characters by 4 lines).
Making the commodity
name shorter
To shorten a single PLU’s name:
1. Call the PLU.
2. Touch the [Comm. Short] key.
3. The sub screen will appear.
4. Touch the [Single] key.
To shorten the all PLU names:
1. Touch the [Comm. Short] key.
2. The sub screen will appear.
3. Touch the [ALL] key.
1. A PLU name is shortened to 24 characters max.
2. The shortened commodity name is displayed in the Shortened commodity
name area. The commodity names can be also shortened by manual entry.
(Refer to the second screen on page 14-8.)