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Indoor unit C Indoor unit B
Indoor unit A
Branch pipe Branch pipe
Branch pipe
Main pipe
∆ h
Outdoor unit
When planning a layout for Units A, B and C, comply with the following:
1. The lengths after branching (“a” and “b”, “b” and “c”, “a” and “c”) should be equal if feasible.
Install Units A, B and C so that the difference of the branching lengths becomes less than 10m if the
lengths cannot be equal due to the branch pipe position.
2. Install Units A, B and C on the same level.
If Units A, B and C cannot be installed on the same level, the difference in level should be limited to 0.5 m
or less.
3. Be certain to install Units A and B and C in the same room. Units A, B and C cannot be operated indepen-
dently each other.
Total length (L + a, L +b, L+c)
Pipe length
Branch pipe length (a, b, c)
(one way)
Maximum difference between indoor units
Refrigerant pipe
(|a – b|, |b – c|, |c – d|)
Between indoor units ( ∆ h)
Between indoor unit When outdoor unit heigher (H)
and outdoor unit When outdoor unit lower (H)
Number of bent portions
50 m
15 m
10 m
0.5 m
30 m
30 m
10 m or less
n Triple system