Test Program for Field.
58 Satellite P300 and Satellite Pro P300 Tests and Diagnostics Manual
3.17.3 Computrace Disabled
The Write Computrace Information to disabled computrace function before ship :
The information as below :
dmiStorageBase = df010h
dmiStorageSize = 841h
NVR 72h/0ah
*** Setting SMBIOS data! ***
Type 11 base 26h
UUID = "e0f43ec347f4db118688001b24f463c5"
Type 12 DSN: Serial Number: " Y7KFT037T"
Type 12 DSN: Serial Number: "00000590"
Type 12 DSN: Serial Number: "SANYO002A2007/12/14"
*** Setting SMBIOS data! ***
Type 11 Length: 5 Handle : 0009h
String 1: "PSU400-123321,S123456789 ", 0
String 2: "XQMG1hLoEhYLF", 0
String 3: "GKpncOhAIONam", 0
String 4: "Z87E-Kr8+kIg8", 0, 0
*** Disabled! ***
Press Any Key To Return!