1. Turn on the monitor and any external peripherals (ex. Printers, External Storage Devices, etc.) connected to the DVR.
2. Turn on the Power Switch located on the front of the DVR.
3. The IPS will run a series of self-tests. After two or three minutes, a series of messages may be displayed as the various hardware
and software subsystems are activated. Under normal circumstances, users should not be asked to respond to these messages.
If asked to respond to the messages (adding a Printer, Monitor, etc for the first time) follow the instructions carefully.
4. Startup is complete when the Surveillix IPS software is finished loading and displays the main menu screen.
1. Click the Exit Button on the main menu screen of the IPS software.
2. Select Power Off from the drop down menu, which appears in the Power Off prompt, and click OK.
The DVR may take several minutes to shut down completely.
CAUTION: Always be sure to follow the proper procedures when turning off the power to the DVR. NEVER disconnect the power to
the DVR while it is still running or in the process of shutting down. Doing so can cause data loss, file corruption, system instability and
hardware failure.