IPedge General End User Information
FCC Requirements
Means of Connection: The IPedge does not connect directly to the telephone network. All direct
connections are made to a gateway. Please refer to the gateway manufacturer's documentation.
Radio Frequency Interference
Warning: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and
used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manual, may cause interference to radio
communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device
pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection
against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case, the user, at his/her own expense, will be
required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
Underwriters Laboratory
This system is listed with Underwriters Laboratory (UL). Secondary protection is required, on
any wiring from any telephone that exits the building or is subject to lightning or other electrical
surges, and on DID, OPS, and Tie lines. (Additional information is provided in the IPedge
Install Manual.)
CP01, Issue 8, Part I Section 14.1
Notice: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the
equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements as
prescribed in the appropriate Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The Department
does not guarantee the Equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction.
Repairs to Certified Equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier.
Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the
telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility,
telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution
may be particularly important in rural areas.
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities
of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable
method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not
prevent degradation of service in some situations.
CAUTION! Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should
contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.
Important Notice — Music-On-Hold
In accordance with U.S. Copyright Law, a license may be required from the American Society of
Composers, Authors and Publishers, or other similar organization, if radio or TV broadcasts are
transmitted through the music-on-hold feature of this telecommunication system. Toshiba America
Information Systems, Inc., strongly recommends not using radio or television broadcasts and hereby
disclaims any liability arising out of the failure to obtain such a license.
Hearing Aid Compatibility Notice: The FCC has established rules that require all installed business
telephones be hearing aid compatible. This rule applies to all telephones regardless of the date of
manufacture or installation. There are severe financial penalties which may be levied on the end-user for