To verify if the email settings are correctly congured, click Test. The result will be shown in a pop-up
window. If successful, you will also receive an email indicating the result.
Click Save server to enable the settings, then click Close to exit the Add server page.
After you set up the rst event server, a new item for event server will automatically appear on the Server
list. If you wish to add more server options, click Add server.
Server type - FTP
Select to send the media les to an FTP server when a trigger is activated.
■ Server name: Enter a name for the server setting.
■ Server address: Enter the domain name or IP address of the FTP server.
■ Server port: By default, the FTP server port is set to 21. It can also be assigned to another port number
between 1025 and 65535.
■ User name: Enter the login name of the FTP account.
■ Password: Enter the password of the FTP account.
■ FTP folder name
Enter the folder where the media le will be placed. If the folder name does not exist, the Network
Camera will create one on the FTP server.