12 Before Setting Up Wireless Network
Before Setting Up Wireless Network
This product is a Wireless LAN Module using the 2.4 GHz spectrum diffusion system, and is compatible with IEEE
Standard 802.11g and 802.11b for wireless LAN.
When the Wireless LAN is enabled, users can perform the following printing through the Wireless LAN:
y Raw TCP Printing from Windows computers
y LPR Printing from Windows computers
y LPR Printing from Macintosh computers
y LPR Printing from UNIX/Linux workstation
The instructions on how set up the client computers for Wi-Fi printing is same as the instructions for wired network
printing. For instructions on how to set up the client computers, please see Software Installation Guide.
y To access the equipment through the Wireless LAN from the client computers, the client computers must have the
Wireless LAN Module.
y When you enable the wireless network, the existing NIC (Network Interface Card) will be disabled. This equipment
cannot connect the wired network and wireless network at the same time.
y When the Wireless LAN Module is installed in the e-STUDIO455 Series / e-STUDIO855 Series, the equipment
enters into the Sleep mode, though the Super Sleep mode is enabled in the Energy Saver function.
Planning for installation
Before setting up the Wireless LAN Module for your wireless LAN, read through this section to understand the information
that you require to set up the equipment in your wireless LAN.
Determine the network type
This Wireless LAN Module supports Infrastructure Mode and Ad Hoc Mode.
Infrastructure Mode
In the Infrastructure Mode, client computers can access to the equipment through a wireless network via an Access Point.
The Infrastructure Mode is suitable for the wireless network that many client computers are connected at the same time.
The Access Point will be required to establish the wireless network in the Infrastructure Mode.
Ad Hoc Mode
In the Ad Hoc Mode, client computers can access to the equipment directory through a wireless network without an
Access Point. The Ad Hoc Mode is not suitable for the wireless network that many computers are connected, however, it
is easy to establish the wireless network because the Access Point is not required.
Access Point