Chapter 7. Playback Settings 51
7.9 Replaygain
This allows you to control the replaygain function. The purpose of replaygain is to
adjust the volume of the music played so that all songs (or albums, depending on your
settings) have the same apparent volume. This prevents sudden changes in volume when
changing between songs recorded at different volume levels. For replaygain to work, the
songs must have been processed by a program that adds replaygain information to the
ID3 tags (or Vorbis tags).
Note: APEv2 tags are not currently supported.
Options for replaygain are:
Enable Replaygain This turns on/off the replaygain function.
Prevent Clipping Avoid clipping of a song’s waveform. If a song would clip during
playback, the volume is lowered for that song. Replaygain information is needed
for this to work.
Replaygain Type Choose the type of replaygain to apply:
Album Gain Maintain a constant volume level between albums, but keep any in-
tentional volume variations between songs in an album. (If album gain value
is not available, uses track gain information).
Track Gain Maintain a constant volume level between tracks. If track gain value
is not available, no replaygain is applied.
Track Gain If Shuffling Maintains a constant volume between tracks if Shuffle
is set to Yes. Reverts to album mode if Shuffle is set to No.
Pre-amp This allows you to adjust the volume when replaygain is applied. Replaygain
often lowers the volume, sometimes quite much, so here you can compensate for
that. Please note that a (large) positive pre-amp setting can cause clipping, unless
prevent clipping is enabled. The pre-amp can be set to any decibel (dB) value
between -12dB and +12dB, in increments of 0.1dB.
7.10 Beep Volume
Controls the volume of the beep that is heard when skipping forward or backward be-
tween tracks. The beep is disabled when set to Off.
7.11 Auto-Change Directory
Control what Rockbox does when it reaches the end of a directory. If Auto-Change
Directory is set to Yes, Rockbox will continue to the next directory. If Auto-Change
Directory is set to No, playback will stop at the end of the current playlist. Using
the Random feature requires you to first generate a folder list via the Random Folder
Advance Configuration plugin (see section 10.4.11 (page 129)).
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series