
13.3 Point Setup Page
The Point Setup page can be accessed by clicking on the “Point Setup” tab
located at the top of the browser window. Refer to Figure 21 for a screen shot
of the Point Setup Page.
Figure 21: Embedded Web Server – Point Setup Page
As mentioned in section 12.3.1, the internal point database is a list of register
mappings that describe how Modbus registers map to ASD registers. Each
point contains a primary network number (know as a pn number in this
manual), a secondary network number (know as an sn number in this manual),
a value, and a name.
Use the “channel select” drop down box to select the ASD channel to
configure. The Modbus TCP/IP unit identifier (UI) associated with the selected
channel is then displayed.
To add a new point to the database list, enter the new point’s pn number, sn
number and a descriptive name for the point (max 25 characters) in the
appropriate text fields. Click the “add” button (the blue plus sign icon) to write
the point information to the ETH-100. Notice the two buttons labeled “dec” and
“hex”. These buttons allow the point configuration values to be displayed and
entered in either decimal or hexadecimal values.
To edit an existing point, click on any of the configuration parameters of the
point that you wish to edit. This will open the point for editing (Refer to Figure
22). Change the point’s parameters to the new desired values and click the