Advanced Operation
Tone/Pulse Dialing
50 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series Telephone 05/02
The numbers are defined in Table 4:
Tone/Pulse Dialing
With some older Central Offices, you may have to make calls on outside lines
programmed for rotary dial pulses. This feature enables you, while on these lines, to
switch to tone dial to access remote equipment (such as an answering machine)
requiring touchtones.
Note With ISDN calls, when 7RQH'LDO6HOHFW is pressed, all of the digits entered
after that point will be sent with touchtones.
➤ To change Tone Dialing
1. Access an outside line.
2. Dial a telephone number.
3. While on the call, press
7RQH'LDO6HOHFW. Although the outside line is
programmed for rotary dial pulses, access the outside line and dial the telephone
number like any other call described in this user guide.
The Tone LED lights steady red and you are able to send touchtones with your dial
pad. The feature is cancelled when the call is completed.
Table 4 Dial String Characters
Entry Meaning
End of Speed Dial Number when entering via access code (
Escape. “
” functions as an escape key indicating that the number immediately following
represents something exceptional. When
is used as an escape character, it consumes
one Speed Dial digit. Entering
to insert a seven-second pause would use two of 32
Pause (1~9) seconds. If you need to pause longer than nine seconds, enter additional
pause escape sequences. For example, to insert a 17-second pause, enter
. The
display of a pause in the Speed Dial Number shows a “P” without specifying the duration. In
this example, you would see “PP.”