Call Park Orbits (Release 3 or later)
Strata DKT2004-CT Cordless Digital Telephone 9/00 53
➤ To park a call
➤ To pick up or retrieve a parked call
Call Park and Page
1. Press 3DUNLQ2UELW
while on an internal or
outside call.
The Line or [DN] LED flashes at the
consultation-hold rate until you enter the orbit
&QI7UQ + .
2. Enter a General Orbit
Number (
After dialing the orbit number, you hear a short
dial tone and the call is parked. The Line LED
flashes at the Hold rate, or the [DN] LED goes
...or enter a valid [PDN].
3. Press
1. Press the parked
[DN] or
The Line LED flashes at an on-hold rate (the
[DN] LED is off). The call is parked at the orbit
with the orbit number that you have just entered.
...or [DN] +
2. Enter the Orbit Number or
the [PDN] where the call is
The Orbit Number is usually provided in the
paging announcement. The Line or [DN] LED
lights steady when the call is picked up or
1. Press
while on an internal or
outside call.
The Line or [DN] LED flashes at the
consultation-hold rate.
&QI7UQ + .
2. Enter a General Orbit
Number (
~) or a
valid [DN].
The Line LED flashes at an on-hold rate (the
[DN] LED is off). You hear a short dial tone for
your paging access.