System & Station
Program 19 – Alternate Background Music Source Slot Assignment
Strata DK Programming 5/00 3-57
System & Station
Program 19 – Alternate Background Music Source Slot
Processor Type: DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs (not used for DK14. See Program 10-2, LED 10)
Program Type: System
Initialized Default: Slot 11
Program 19 Overview
The PCB connected to the alternate BGM source can be in any slot. Use this program to designate
that slot. LEDs 09 and 10 in Program 10-2 should be Off if the source is connected to a QSTU2,
KSTU2, PSTU, RSTU, RSTU2, or RDSU. (Only circuit 2 of these PCBs can support the BGM
The alternate BGM source sends BGM to the external speakers and telephone (digital and
electronic) speakers. If an alternate BGM source is used, the Music-on-Hold (MOH) source
connected to an RCTU will continue to play for lines and stations that are on hold.
Important! If the alternate BGM source is not connected to a PEKU, PESU or PSTU, RSTU,
RSTU2, or RDSU, assign Slot 11 as data in Program 19. If BGM is connected to
circuit 2 of QSTU2 or KSTU2, assign slot 13 as data in Program 19. This ensures
that all PSTU or RSTU ports function normally. Digital / electronic telephones or
RSIU PCBs installed in Slot 11 are not affected by this assignment.
If using a PEKU, wire the BGM source to circuit 3 and turn LED 09 On (Program 10-2) to enable
the BGM connection.
If using a PESU, wire the BGM source to circuit 8 and turn LED 10 On (Program 10-2) to enable
the BGM connection.
If using a QSTU2, KSTU2, RSTU, RSTU2, RDSU, or PSTU, wire the BGM source to circuit 2
and turn LED 09 and 10 Off (Program 10-2). Also, an isolation transformer may be required if
connecting the source these PCBs. See Chapter 10 – Peripheral Installation in the Installation and
Maintenance Manual for isolation transformer installation instructions.
BGM cannot be connected to the PDKU.
✱ ✱ ✱ ✱ 6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG Turn System Power Off (5 sec) then On
more codes
Run Program 91-2
Enter the Slot Number (11~78)