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6.3.25 SAVE START COMMAND (For Flash Memory) [ESC] XO
Function Declares the start of saving PC interface commands.
(Places the printer in the mode where PC interface commands are written in flash
Format [ESC] XO; aa, (Sb, ) c [LF] [NUL]
Term aa: Identification number to be used for saving in flash memory or calling
01 to 99
Sb: Drive in which the PC interface command is stored
(Omissible. If omitted, flash ROM on the CPU board is selected.)
b: Drive
0: Flash ROM on the CPU board
1: Slot 1 on the PCMCIA board (Option)
2: Slot 2 on the PCMCIA board (Option)
c: Status response at save time
0: No status response made
1: Status response made
Notes (1) After sending the Save Start Command ([ESC] XO), any command other than the
following will be saved into flash memory without being analyzed.
• Save Start Command ([ESC] XO)
• Save Terminate Command ([ESC] XP)
• Saved Data Call Command ([ESC] XQ, [ESC] XT)
• Bit Map Writable Character Command ([ESC] XD, [ESC] XA)
• Reset Command ([ESC] WR)
• Status Request Command ([ESC] WS)
• Flash Memory Format Command ([ESC] J1)
• ATA Card Format Command ([ESC] JA)
(2) No error check is made for the commands at save time.
(3) Up to 64 KB can be saved per a save.
Refer to • Save Terminate Command ([ESC] XP)
• Flash Memory Format Command ([ESC] J1)
Examples [ESC] J1; B [LF] [NUL]
[ESC] XO; 01, 0 [LF] [NUL]
[ESC] D0508, 0760, 0468 [LF] [NUL]
[ESC] T20C30 [LF] [NUL]
[ESC] C [LF] [NUL]
[ESC] PC001; 0200, 0125, 1, 1, A, 00, B [LF] [NUL]
[ESC] PC002; 0650, 0550, 2, 2, G, 33, B, +0000000001 [LF] [NUL]