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Function Character
When a bar code font is used for printing, use of the function character enables encoding binary data. The
default setting is a caret [^] (5EH).
The following explanation is based on an assumption that the caret [^] (5EH) is used.
Entry in hex. format
<Example> To specify binary data of 00 to 06:
Entry with abbreviation
<Example> To specify binary data of 00 to 06:
Entry of the function character
When using the function character as bar code data, send the function
character twice.
Driver Option tab
Device Line Substitution
Enable Substitution
This option allows selecting whether or not to
substitute a line drawn in a print image with a Line
When this checkbox is not checked, the line is
processed as a Graphic Command.
When checked, the line is drawn using the
printer’s line drawing function, which may result in
higher throughput.
Minimum Length
The minimum length of a line that is to be
recognized as a Line Command. The line
shorter than this value is processed as a Graphic
Note: Some applications do not always print correctly with this feature enabled. In such case, remove the check from
the check box.
Software Compatibility
Default Copies
The number of labels to be printed as default. Unless this number is changed with the application, this
value will be effective.
Binary data
<NUL> 00 <DLE> 10
<SOH> 01 <DC1> 11
<STX> 02 <DC2> 12
<ETX> 03 <DC3> 13
<EOT> 04 <DC4> 14
<ENQ> 05 <NAK> 15
<ACK> 06 <SYN> 16
<BEL> 07 <ETB> 17
<BS> 08 <CAN> 18
<HT> 09 <EM> 19
<LF> 0A <SUB> 1A
<VT> 0B <ESC> 1B
<FF> 0C <FS> 1C
<CR> 0D <GS> 1D
<SO> 0E <RS> 1E
<SI> 0F <US> 1F
<DEL> 7F