Advanced Wi-Fi settings
Advanced Wi-Fi settings are available following the steps below.
1. Turn on Wi-Fi if it is not already on.
2. In the Wi-Fi settings screen, tap the Menu icon ( ) and tap
Several options are described below.
Network notification
By default, when Wi-Fi is on, you receive notifications in the Status bar
when your tablet detects an open Wi-Fi network. Uncheck this option
to turn off notifications.
Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep
Tap this option to change the setting:
Always: Stay connected to Wi-Fi always.
Only when plugged in: Stay connected to Wi-Fi only when the tablet
is connected to the AC adaptor.
Never: never to stay connected to Wi-Fi during sleep.
Scanning always available
Check this option to enable Google Location Services and apps scan
for networks, even when Wi-Fi is off.
Wi-Fi optimization
Check this option to minimize battery usage when Wi-Fi is turned on.
Install certificates
Installs network certificates stored on the SD card.
MAC address
Shows MAC address of your device
IP address
Shows IP address of your device.
WPS Pin Entry
WPS Pin Entry feature provides a much easier connection to a Wi-Fi
access point. WPS or Wi-Fi Protected Setup is a fairly secure way to
connect to a Wi-Fi network without having to enter a long, convoluted
Wi-Fi Direct
Wi-Fi direct allows you to directly connect to devices nearby via Wi-Fi for
much higher-speed wireless communication. You can share files or
streaming videos/audios from other compatible devices.
Tap the Menu icon ( ) and tap Wi-Fi Direct to enable Wi-Fi direct. Tap
SEARCHING...to find the nearby available devices whose names will be
listed under PEER DEVICES for connection.You can also rename your
device by tapping RENAME DEVICE option.
User's Manual