246 T1-16S User’s Manual
7. Instructions
Operation mode designation (B+1):
B+1 Operation mode Description
0 Data exchange mode
(Mode 0)
Cyclically scans the connected Inverters (Control & Monitor)
(Inverter command: P+FA01&FA00 and R+FD00&FE07)
1 Monitor mode
(Mode 1)
Cyclically scans the connected Inverters (Monitor only)
(Inverter command: R+FD00&FE07)
2 Read command mode
(Mode 2)
Sends a read command to a specified Inverter
(Inverter command: R+ User designation)
3 Write command mode
(Mode 3)
Sends a write command to a specified Inverter
(Inverter command: P+ User designation)
4 Broadcast mode
(Mode 4)
Sends a write command to all the connected Inverters as broadcast
(Inverter command: P+ User designation)
Inverter number (
For the operation mode 0 and 1:
It specifies the maximum Inverter number. For example, if it is 5, the T1-16S scans from #0
through #5 Inverters and repeats. Setting range is 0 to 63.
For the operation mode 2 and 3:
It specifies the target Inverter number for sending commands. Setting range is 0 to 63.
For the operation mode 4:
This setting is ignored. The broadcast address (HFF) is used as Inverter number.
Execution status (B+2):
Communication error code (B+3):
The communication error code responded from the Inverter is shown here. If 2 or more Inverters are error,
the smallest Inverter number's error is stored. Refer to Inverter's manual for the error code.
B+3 Meaning
0 No error (Normal)
Response time-out (No answer)
Others Inverter error response (Refer to Inverter's manual)
Inverter communication status map (
This 4-word table shows the communication status map of each Inverter. (1: Normal / 0: Error or No
B+4 1514131211109876543210
B+5 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
B+6 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
B+7 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
Shows the scan count.
(0 → 1 → 2 → ... → 32767 → 0 → 1 ... )
Comes 1 when the RS-485 port is busy. (No execution)