4 ConnectingYourTV
ConnecO_ a VCt_ antenna, cable TV,or camc'olJer
NOTE HDMI®cablesprovidethebestaudioandpicturequality.
(Sample Illustration) Optical audio cable
Optical audio cable connect receivers with Dolby :_Digital, DTS :_,
or PCM (pulse-code modulation) optical audio input to the TV's
DigitalAudio Out terminal, see "Connecting a digital audio system"
on page 31.
You can connect different types and brands of devices to your TV in
several different configurations. The connection illustrations in this
manual are representative of typical device connections only. The
input/output terminals on your devices may differ from those
illustrated herein. For details on connecting and using your specific
devices, refer to each device's User's Guide.
er _Ol;,_abn_eTV Fcrt_eC_ob_eTV
IV back panel _
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(Sample Ilhlstration) 32/40/50L2400_Connecting to a V('R,
cmtenm_t,or cable TV,or camcorder
Items needed:
o:* Coaxial cables
o:* Standard AV cables
If you have a lnono VCR, connect L/MON0 on the TV to your
VCR's audio out terminal using the white audio cable only.
o:* Standard audio cable