If Something Goes Wrong
Internet Problems
5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0
Internet Problems
My Internet connection is very slow.
Many factors contribute to the speed with which you can surf
the Internet. They include: modem speed, time of day (when
everyone else is surfing, your access can be slow), and
popularity of the site. If accessing a particular site is very
slow, try later.
My browser can’t find the URL address I typed in.
Make sure you separated the domain names of the address
with the forward slash(/). Check the spelling of each name
and the syntax of the address carefully. A single incorrect
letter, missed period (“dot”) or other mistake makes it
impossible for your browser to locate the site.
My browser can’t find a site I bookmarked.
The World Wide Web is constantly changing. A site you
bookmarked yesterday may not be available today or its
server may be down to temporary repair. Try again later.
DVD operating problems
If you experience a problem playing DVDs, you may be able
to fix the problem yourself.
For general problems playing a DVD title, try the following
1 Check that the disc is in a format that the drive supports
2 Ensure that the disc is properly inserted in the drive tray.
3 Ensure that the Display properties are not True Color (24-
bit). If it is set to 24-bit color, there will be a video format
error. To verify your display settings:
❖ Click Start, Control Panel, Appearance and
Themes, and double-click Display.