94BTV-Out Setup (Analog)
The DVR features an optional TV-Out functionality which allows users to output video from any number of cameras, in sequence, to a
television or monitor display.
1. Under Setup click General, and then click TV Out Setup.
2. Select the TV Out Port to use
Note Each Port must be configured individually, i.e. one after the other.
3. Select the Use check box to enable TV-Out functionality for the selected port.
4. Select each camera to display through the TV-Out port.
5. Select an Event Popup check box if desired.
6. Define the Event Holding Time (the number of seconds the camera displays after an
event) for selected event types.
7. Define the Auto Switching Time (the number of seconds between switching of
camera) for the selected TV-Out Port.
The volume control allows fine tuning of the volume settings on the DVR.
Volume Options:
• Slider Controls – Used to adjust the literal volume for the
respective devices listed.
• Mute Check box – Check the mute box to mute volume on
any of the device columns or check the Mute All checkbox to
mute all volume on the DVR.