© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved. 23
Item Part # Description Quantity
1 766-274 Fluid section, bare (excludes items 22–36) .1
2 704-552 Piston assembly (includes items 9–14)......1
3 730-508 Retainer ......................................................1
4 700-587 Piston guide................................................1
5 700-072 Upper packing w/tool..................................1
6 704-633 Pump block.................................................1
7 227-006 Outlet fitting.................................................1
8 700-601 Lower packing ...........................................2
9 704-551 Piston rod....................................................1
10 704-610 Outlet cage .................................................1
11 704-612 Crush washer..............................................1
12 762-144 Outlet valve ball..........................................1
13 704-558 Outlet valve seat.........................................1
14 704-587 Outlet vavle retainer ...................................1
15 704-289 Bushing.......................................................1
16 700-821 Lower seal ..................................................1
17 730-510 Lower cage .................................................1
18 762-145 Foot valve ball ............................................1
19 762-137 Foot valve seat ...........................................1
20 762-058 O-ring..........................................................1
21 704-054 Foot valve housing .....................................1
Item Part # Description Quantity
22 700-421 Filter housing ..............................................1
23 500-200-03 Filter............................................................1
24 560-038 Seal.............................................................1
25 700-258 PRIME/SPRAY valve assembly
(includes items 26—36)..............................1
26 700-537 Gasket ........................................................1
27 221-012 O-Ring, Viton ..............................................1
28 222-012 O-Ring, PTFE.............................................1
29 800-924 Valve housing .............................................1
30 700-721 O-Ring, Viton ..............................................1
700-897 O-Ring, PTFE (optional).............................1
31 700-250 Valve stem ..................................................1
32 800-926 Spring .........................................................1
33 700-248 Valve retainer..............................................1
34 700-252 Cam base ...................................................1
35 700-697 Valve handle ...............................................1
36 700-759 Groove pin ..................................................1
37 762-202 Packing tool (not shown) ............................1
NOTE: When using “HOT” solvents, replace Viton o-
ring (item 30) with optional PTFE o-ring (700-
897). Install with o-ring tool (700-890).
Airless Tip Selection
Tips are selected by the orifice size and fan width. The proper
selection is determined by the fan width required for a specific
job and by the orifice size that will supply the desired amount
of fluid and accomplish proper atomization.
For light viscosity fluids, smaller orifice tips generally are
desired. For heavier viscosity materials, larger orifice tips are
preferred. Please refer to the chart below.
The following chart indicates the most common sizes and the
appropriate materials to be sprayed.
Fan widths measuring 8" to 12" (20 to 30 cm) are preferred
because they offer more control while spraying and are less
likely to plug.
Liquid Shield Plus
Cleans and protects spray systems
against rust, corrosion and premature
wear. Now with -25º anti-freeze
Part #
314-483...........4 ounce bottle
314-482...........1 quart bottle
Tip Size Spray Material Filter Type
.011 – .013 Lacquers and stains 100 mesh filter
.015 – .019 Oil and latex 60 mesh filter
.021 – .026 Heavy bodied latex and blockfillers 30 mesh filter
NOTE: Do not exceed the sprayer's recommended tip
Piston Lube
Specially formulated to prevent materials
from adhering to the piston rod, which
becomes abrasive to the upper seals.
Piston Lube will break down any material
that may accumulate in the oil cup and
keep it from drying.
Part #
314-481...........4 ounce bottle
314-480...........8 ounce bottle
Part No. Description
490-012...........Hose Coupling, 1/4" x 1/4"
730-397...........High Pressure Fl. Gauge
314-171...........Lubriplate, 14 ounce individual
314-172...........Lubriplate, 6 lb. can
700-1037..........Electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist strap
Part # Description
313-1851 Front cover label
313-2687 Motor cover label, RentSpray 450
313-1673 Warning label
313-1847 Shock hazard label