© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved. 23
Pressure Switch Replacement
WARNING: Before proceeding, follow the Pressure Relief
Procedure outlined on page 5. Additionally, follow all
other warnings to reduce the risk of an injection injury,
injury from moving parts or electric shock. Always
unplug the sprayer before servicing!
1. Remove old pressure switch. Be sure all loose parts are
removed from the electrical box.
2. Install the transducer assembly (54) with o-rings in place.
Then press the assembly securely into the filter block. It
is recommended that you replace the polyethylene gasket
that is between the pump and the Filter Block.
3. Reattach the Filter Block by guiding the Transducer Wires
through the bottom hole of the electrical box. Reinstall the
two original bolts that mount the Filter Block to the Pump.
Be sure to tighten them evenly.
5. When installing the plastic potentiometer mount (57), from
the top of the electrical box, be sure the stop (raised
portion of the mount) is closest to the opening of the
electrical box. Square up the mount to the opening. Use a
rubber mallet to press the mount onto the pump, making
it flush. Loctite is supplied for mounting.
6. Put the potentiometer shaft (52), through the upper hole
in the electrical box, from the inside. The wires on the
potentiometer should come out of the box. Turn the
potentiometer, clockwise or counter clockwise until it finds
the locating hole and stops turning. Install the seal tight
nut (59), onto the shaft of the potentiometer. Use needle
nose pliers to start the nut, and with a 1/2” socket 1/4”
drive, tighten to a torque of 4 inch-lbs.
7. Turn the Potentiometer shaft clockwise until it stops.
8. Loosen nut on pressure control knob (28), and install onto
shaft of the potentiometer with the pointer pointing away
from the opening of the electrical box.
9. Hand tighten the nut onto the potentiometer knob and
turn the knob clockwise until it hits the stop. With a 5/16”
socket, tighten the nut onto the knob to 2 inch-lbs. Install
the plastic potentiometer cap (27), onto the top of the
Service/Replacement of the
Bypass Valve
WARNING: Before proceeding, follow the Pressure Relief
Procedure outlined on page 5. Additionally, follow all
other warnings to reduce the risk of an injection injury,
injury from moving parts or electric shock. Always
unplug the sprayer before servicing!
1. Remove the Pin (#226) from Bypass Valve Handle
(#227). Push out Pin as shown in Figure 8.
2. Remove Handle (#227) and Bypass Cam (#225).
3. Using a wrench, loosen Bypass Housing (#218) and
unscrew. Inspect O-Rings #216 & #217.
4. Unscrew Bypass Valve Retainer (#224) and remove
Bypass Valve Stem (#220).
5. Inspect ball on end of Stem (#220) and seat, located in
the Bypass Housing (#218). Clean or replace if
damaged. Inspect O-Ring #219.
6. When reinstalling, screw completed assembly into Filter
Block except for items #225, 226 and 227. Tighten
securely with wrench. Make sure that both washers are
in place.
7. Install Bypass Cam (#225) over Bypass Retainer (#224),
lubricate with grease. Line up Cam (#225) with Filter
Block housing (#207).
8. Using Pin, line up Stem (#220) with hole on Handle
(#227). Secure Handle with Pin (#226).
9. IMPORTANT: If Handle (#227) rotates 360° check Pin on
Cam (#225).
Service / Replacement of Filters
WARNING: Before proceeding, follow the Pressure Relief
Procedure outlined on page 5. Additionally, follow all
other warnings to reduce the risk of an injection injury,
injury from moving parts or electric shock. Always
unplug the sprayer before servicing!
Pump Filter
1. Unscrew Filter Housing (#202).
2. Remove Filter (#204) and Filter Spring (#205) from Filter
Block housing (#207),
3. Inspect Seal (#206). Clean or replace.
4. Place Filter Spring and new or cleaned Filter into Filter
5. Reattach Filter Housing (#202).
Gun Filter
1. Move the gun trigger lock to the unlocked position.
2. Loosen and remove the handle from the gun body.
3. Turning clockwise, unscrew the filter from the gun body.
4. Turning counterclockwise, screw the new or cleaned filter
into the gun body.
5. Make sure the handle seal is in position and thread the
handle into the gun body until secure.
6. Move the gun trigger lock to the locked position.
NOTE: For more detail, part number information, and
assembly drawings at larger scale, please see
the LX -80 Professional Airless Gun Owner's
Manual (#313-012).
Gun Body
Handle Seal
NOTE: Left-handed threads require turning the filter
clockwise to remove. If the filter breaks off in
the pump block, use a small wood screw to
NOTE: Do not over-tighten the nut on the potentiometer.