COMPASS mode. CALIBR COMP appears.
B. After that, the following words will also appear:
Obeying your watch's orders, hold the watch level and slowly rotate two turns (taking
at least 15 seconds per rotation), then press the start/split button. Its wish is your
command. If the button is not pressed within 2-3 minutes, CALBR CANCEL will appear
and any old settings will be used.
ALERT: If crown is pushed back in, CALBR CANCEL will also appear. If calibration was NOT
done correctly, PULL TO CALIBR will appear. Start over. Go back to square one. Do not pass go.
SPECIAL NOTE: Did you know that you can set a declination angle with or without calibration
taking place first? Well, then, now you know. Go forth and spread the word.
To set the declination angle without calibrating, press either the start/split or stop/reset buttons
with the crown in Position 3 and then follow directions below.
C. Pull the crown out to Position 4 and press either the start/split or stop/reset buttons. SET
DECLIN appears.
D. Rotate the crown to find the declination angle of the point nearest to your current location,
using the declination table (below) as a guide. Declination angles will scroll west to east.
SUPER SPECIAL NOTE: You can ALWAYS reset the declination angle by pulling the
crown out to Position 4 while you're in COMPASS mode.
Banff, Alberta, B.C. 18 E
Brooklyn, New York 13 W
Canyonlands, Utah 12 E
Cerro Aconcagua, Argentina 3 E
Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador 1 E
Del Mar, California 13 E
Diamond Head, Hawaii 10 E
Gstaad, Switzerland 0 E
Irian Jaya Baliem, New Guinea 4 E
Lincoln City, Oregon 18 E
Margarita, Venezuela 12 W
Marseille, France 1 E
Mauna Loa, Hawaii 10 E
Mt. Katahdin, Maine 18 W
Mt. McKinley, Alaska 22 E
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 12 W
Punta Baja, Sonora, Mexico 11 E
Punta Baja, Baja California Norte, Mexico 12 E
Selkirk/Monashee, B.C. 19 E
Springer Mountain, Georgia 4 W
Woodward, Pennsylvania 11 W
For additional declination angle information, see the Timex website www.timex.com.
Compass Operation
Compass headings are taken every time the watch enters COMPASS mode and every two
seconds thereafter. That's a lot of headings, pal.
INITIAL NOTE: You can ALWAYS “peek” at the compass from the TIME OF DAY mode by
pressing the stop/reset button.
SECONDARY NOTE: To make your battery last longer, the watch will stop taking
heading readings if it receives no input for 45 seconds.
ONE MORE NOTE: Pressing either the start/split or stop/reset buttons will
cause the compass to begin taking readings again.
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