LearningCheck™ Creator 193
4. Click the image area of the question into which you want to paste
the image.
5. Click Edit > Paste or click .
6. If necessary, click the image position icon to indicate whether the
image should be below the text or above the text.
• Places the image after the question text. This is the default
• Places the image before the question text
Note: If you usually want the same image position, you can set it on
your User Profile General tab. However, you can always change the
image position in any question.
After you insert the image, you can place points and/or labels on the
image. You can also open MS Paint and edit the image.
Scaling and cropping an image
To scale and/or crop an image
1. Click the appropriate icon to scale the image or to scale the image
and then crop it to fit the device screen.
• Scales down the image (and any points and/or labels) to fit
the device screen. This is the default choice.
• Scales down the image and then crops it to fit the device
screen. To make sure the viewable area includes the part of the
image you want, preview the cropped image. (Cropping is
necessary only when using captured device screens as images.)
2. To preview the image for the intended device, select the Device Type
from the pulldown list (General, TI-83 Plus Family, TI-84 Plus Family,
TI-89 Family, TI-92 Plus, or Voyage™ 200).
Note: Scaling and cropping apply only to the image sent to the
device. The image saved in the edc file remains the original size.
Adding a point or label
You can add points to an image and label the points. The point tool lets
you create points on any image. However, for a choices on image
question, use the correct and incorrect point tools.