
WFM 601A, WFM 601E & WFM 601M User Manual
tion system. These are the three color signals generated by the camera and
used by the picture monitor to produce a picture.
One of the color difference signals obtained by subtracting luminance (Y)
from the red camera signal.
The property of color which relates to the amount of white light in the color.
Highly saturated colors are vivid, while less saturated colors have more white
mixed in and, therefore, appear pastel. For example, red is highly saturated,
while pink is the same hue, but less saturated.
In signal terms, saturation is determined by the ratio between luminance level
and chrominance amplitude. It should be noted that a vectorscope does not
display saturation; the length of the vectors represents chrominance
amplitude. In order to verify that the saturation of the colors in a color bar
signal is correct, you must check luminance amplitudes with a waveform
monitor in addition to observing the vectors.
In order to accurately send a signal through a transmission line, there must be
an impedance at the end which matches the impedance of the source and of
the line itself. Amplitude errors and reflections will otherwise result. Video is
a 75 W system, so a 75 W terminator must be put at the end of the signal path.
The B–Y signal after a weighting factor of 0.493 has been applied. The
weighting is necessary to reduce peak modulation in the composite signal.
The R–Y signal after a weighting factor of 0.877 has been applied. The
weighting is necessary to reduce peak modulation in the composite signal.
A specialized oscilloscope which demodulates the video signal and presents
a display of R–Y versus B–Y in NTSC systems (or V versus U in PAL
systems). The angle and magnitude of the displayed vectors are respectively
related to hue and saturation.
Vertical Interval
The synchronizing information that appears between fields and signals the
picture monitor to return to the top of the screen to begin another vertical
Waveform Monitor
A specialized oscilloscope that plots voltage versus time to evaluate
television signals.
See Luminance.