
Printing: Beyond the Basics
Phaser 380 Color Printer
Printing the Color Control Strip
The Color Control Strip feature in supported printer drivers prints a band
of colors along the bottom edge of your print job. Use this feature to check
the consistency of printed colors between prints made on this printer and
other printers.
The colors on the strip are the printerÕs eight primary and secondary colors:
cyan, magenta, yellow, black, red (magenta and yellow), green (cyan and
yellow), blue (cyan and magenta), and black (cyan, magenta, and yellow).
The colors are printed at 100 percent saturation or brightness, and also at
50 percent. The colors reßect the current color correction selected in the
driver. The printed band also includes information about the Þle, such as
File (Þle name), Color ProÞle (color correction), and the Date/Time of
To use the Color Control Strip, refer to the quick reference tables for
Windows (page 3-3) and for Macintosh (page 3-17) that contain instructions
on selecting the Color Control Strip in the driver you are using.