Tandberg Video on Frame Relay
D11624 rev.01 19
- This is a Videoconferencing term, which is used to identify picture break-up.
Digital video pictures are made up of 1000’s of pixels, each representing a colour
on the image. In videoconferencing, pixels are grouped into blocks (the number
of which is determined by the speed of the link). Pixelation is a term often used
to describe an image, which has errors in the colours of these blocks, creating
obvious squares of wrong colour on the screen.
- Quality of Service.
- Service Level Agreement.
- Time Division Multiplexing
- Wide Area Network.
13. Appendix D: Information about the manufacturer
Science Dynamics Corporation
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Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
E-Mail: sales@scidyn.com
Tel: +1 (609) 424 0068
Fax: +1 (609) 751 7361
URL: http://www.scidyn.com
Science Dynamics International Ltd.
119 Fleet Road
Fleet, Hampshire GU13 8PD
United Kingdom
E-Mail: intsales@scidyn.com
Tel: +44 (0) 1252 365100
Fax: +44 (0) 1252 365105