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Studio director
Gordon Hall
heAd of deVeloPment
David Box
leAd ProgrAmming
Andrew Greensmith, Matthew
Jon Bellamy, Ross Childs, Nigel
Conroy, Neil Dodwell, Alastair
Dukes, David Huebner, Robin
Mangham, Jason McGann, Warren
Merrifield, Stephen McGreal
Sound ProgrAmming
Finlay Munro
Charles Waddington
Art director
Ian Bowden
Art dePArtment director
Chris Smart
leAd chArActer ArtiSt
Paul Smith
chArActer ArtiSt
Chris Allison
leAd city ArtiSt
Dan Roberts
city ArtiStS
Paul McKee, James McHale, Siu Lee
cutScene interiorS
Izzy Stewart
concePt ArtiSt
John Wigley
Additional Character Animation
Alan Bowker
AdditionAl ArtiStS
Andy Walker, Jason Gee, Chris
Edwards, Lee Clark
deSign director
David Bland
leAd leVel deSign
John Li
Senior leVel deSign
Tony Gowland, Martyn Bramall
leVel deSign
Sam Hackett, Stephen Robertson,
Tom Kingsley, Chris Edwards, Kris
ASSociAte deSigner
Mark McGinley
QA mAnAger
Paul Colls
Jody Cobb
comPAny SecretAry
Naomi Martin
it mAnAger
Chris Waring
Rockstar Leeds
Rockstar NYC
executiVe Producer
Sam Houser
VP of creAtiVe
Dan Houser
VP of deVeloPment
Jamie King
Art director
Alex Horton
chief technology officer
Gary J. Foreman
ASSociAte Producer
Rich Rosado
director of QuAlity ASSurAnce
Jeff Rosa
Senior leAd AnAlySt
Lance Williams
Project leAd
Jameel Vega
rockStAr teSt teAm
Ethan Abeles, William Rompf,
Christopher Mansfield, Chris Choi,
Mike Hong, Tamara Carrion, Rich
Huie, Mike Nathan, Vance Wallace,
Marc Rodriguez, Adam Tetzloff
BuSineSS deVeloPment director
Sean Macaluso
SoundtrAck SuPerViSion
Ivan Pavlovich, Tim Sweeney,
Heinz Henn