Developing Applications for the SPS 3000
CAB File Naming Conventions
When creating CAB files for use with IHVInstall, you must adhere to the naming
conventions in Table 5-1.
Every CAB file must be prefixed, given a unique name, and followed by its version.
Note:This version number in the name should match with the version
registry entry set by the CAB file. Refer to Appendix A for more
information on setting the version registry entry within your CAB file.
Developing Flash Memory Images
Flash memory utilities are provided for developing Flash memory images, and for mass
deployment of these images.
Flash Memory Utilities
The SPS 3000 SDK provides five Flash memory utilities (see Table 5-2). These utilities
reside in the “\Windows CE Tools\wce300\SPS3000\Flash\Tools” SPS 3000 SDK directory.
All the utilities must be copied to the iPAQ via ActiveSync’s Mobile File Explorer prior to their
use. Once copied to the iPAQ, you can execute (“run”) the utilities by clicking on them within
the iPAQ’s File Explorer program.
Table 5-1. CAB File Naming Conventions
CAB File Type Prefix Unique Name Version Full Name
Scan Application CAB
scnapp ex1 _0100 scnappex1_0100.cab
Scan Driver CAB File scndrv ex2 _0100 scndrvex2_0100.cab
WLAN Application CAB
lanapp ex3 _0100 landrvex3_0100.cab
WLAN Driver CAB File landrv ex4 _0100 landrvex4_0100.cab