Revision A — May 2001
Symbol Technologies, Inc. One Symbol Plaza Holtsville, NY 11742-1300
Service Information
Before you use the unit, it must be configured to operate in your facility’s network and
run your applications.
If you have a problem running your unit or using your equipment, contact your
facility’s Technical or Systems Support. If there is a problem with the equipment, they
will contact the Symbol Support Center:
United States 1-800-653-5350 Canada 905-629-7226
United Kingdom 0800 328 2424 Asia/Pacific 337-6588
Australia 1-800-672-906 Austria 1-505-5794
Denmark 7020-1718 Finland 9 5407 580
France 01-40-96-52-21 Germany 6074-49020
Italy 2-484441 Mexico 5-520-1835
Netherlands 315-271700 Norway 66810600
South Africa 11-4405668 Spain 9-1-320-39-09
Sweden 84452900
Latin America Sales Support 1-800-347-0178 Inside US
+1-561-483-1275 Outside US
Europe/Mid-East Distributor Operations Contact local distributor or call
+44 208 945 7360