LS 3603 Product Reference Guide
CODE 3 OF 9 (CODE 39) - A versatile and widely used alphanumeric bar
code symbology with a set of 43 character types, including all uppercase letters,
numerals from 0 to 9, and 7 special characters (- . / + % $ and space). The code
name is derived from the fact that 3 of 9 elements representing a character are
wide, while the remaining 6 are narrow.
CODE 93 - An industrial symbology compatible with Code 39 but offering a
full character ASCII set and a higher coding density than Code 39.
CONTINUOUS CODE - A bar code or symbol in which all spaces within the
symbol are parts of characters. There are no intercharacter gaps in a continuous
code. The absence of gaps allows for greater information density.
DECODE - To recognize a bar code symbology (e.g., UPC/EAN) and then
analyze the content of the specific bar code scanned.
DECODE ALGORITHM - A decoding scheme that converts pulse widths into
data representation of the letters or numbers encoded within a bar code
DISCRETE CODE - A bar code or symbol in which the spaces between
characters (intercharacter gaps) are not part of the code.
DISCRETE 2 OF 5 - A binary bar code symbology representing each character
by a group of five bars, two of which are wide. The location of wide bars in the
group determines which character is encoded; spaces are insignificant. Only
numeric characters (0 to 9) and START/STOP characters may be encoded.
EAN - European Article Number. This European/International version of the
UPC provides its own coding format and symbology standards. Element
dimensions are specified metrically. EAN is used primarily in retail.
HOST COMPUTER - A computer that serves other terminals in a network,
providing such services as computation, database access, supervisory
programs, and network control.
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission. This international agency
regulates laser safety by specifying various laser operation classes based on
power output during operation.