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SV Sound, LLC
STA-400D Equipped Subs
Connectivity & Panel Operations
There are two sets of output connectors on the STA-400D. One set (labeled Line Out) is unfiltered and carries
the same signal as found on the input connectors. The set labeled High Pass Out has a high pass filter applied
which has a corner frequency of 80Hz and a slope of -12 dB per octave.
The output connectors are typically used to either daisy-chain additional subwoofers with a single, unfiltered
output, or as the input to a power amplifier for the Left and Right main channels with no filtering or the 80Hz
High Pass applied depending on which set of connectors are used.
Limiter LED
The limiter LED illuminates when the amplifier is being over driven, protecting the driver and amplifier from
potential damage. This LED may flicker during exceptionally loud passages which should cause no concern.
If the LED is lit continuously, you should lower the input signal, the amplifier gain, or a combination of both to
ensure you are receiving full dynamic range of the amplifier.
Power Mode Switch
The Power Mode switch allows the STA-400D to either stay on all the time (On), or go into standby (Auto) if no
signal is being received. When in standby mode and a signal is detected on one of the inputs, the STA-400D
will turn on and begin playing the material.
Power LED
The power LED will be green when the subwoofer is on and ready to receive (or is receiving) an audio signal.
When the Power Mode switch is On, the LED will constantly be green. When the Power Mode switch is on
Auto, the LED will be off when the amplifier is in standby, and green when receiving signal.
The Phase control allows you to adjust the timing of sound coming from your subwoofer. Normally this control
should be set to 0, but if you have multiple subwoofers in different parts of your listening environment, this
control can be use to ensure the sound from both arrives at a listening position at the same time. Alternatively
this control can be used to better blend the subwoofer with the front main channels if necessary.
Low Pass Control
The Low Pass control adjusts the STA-400D’s internal low pass filter. Effectively this controls the low frequencies
the subwoofer will play. Setting this control will allow frequencies below the control setting to be output from the
subwoofer and those above it will be rolled off at -12 dB per octave. Full clockwise rotation disables the LPF.