Depth gauge
Before diving, check the position of the depth indicating pointer.
Atmospheric conditions (altitude, temperature) may cause
misalignment. Turn the adjustment screw located on the right side of
the depth gauge to align the pointer to zero. The adjustment is to be
made at the temperature of usage. Repeated unnecessary adjustments
may cause excessive wear to the seals and eventual leakage.
Do not attempt to adjust the water entry port located at the left
side of gauge. Tampering with the port can cause damage to
internal components. Do not pressure test gauge in air. Always
immerse the gauge in water while pressure testing it.
Pressure gauge
The hose has an end fitting with 7/16” 20 UNF-thread. If your
regulator has a different thread size in the high pressure (HP-output)
port, ask your dealer for the correct adapter. Always inspect the
O-ring at the male thread to be sure it is clean and undamaged before
connecting it to the regulator.
Always turn your air supply on slowly. Always turn the pressure gauge
dial face away from your face when turning on the air supply.
Do not overtighten the hose at the gauge. The fitting is pressure
resistant even when tightened with fingers.
The instruments must be serviced by an authorized dealer every
second year or after 200 dives (whichever comes first).
Avoid subjecting the gauges to excessive shocks such as dropping
or hitting against an immovable object. Do not subject the gauges
to pressures beyond their maximum range. Temperature extremes
can be damaging. In general, the gauges should not be exposed to
temperatures to which you would not expose yourself.