Next, slide roof flashing over extended chimney
section that previously has been installed above
the roof opening in Step 4. FTF8 flashings
require flashing spacers. Slide flashing all the
way down until the flashing base rests flat on
the roof (
Figure 29
). Again, check the vertical
position of the chimney and the 1"* minimum
air space to combustibles.
Locking Band
Figure 31
Step 9. Security Chimneys locking bands,
Model FLB, may be required if the chimney
extends too high above the roof flashing. As a
general rule, if the chimney extends more than
6' above the roof flashing, the use of locking
bands is advisable to strengthen the chimney
assembly. Align the locking band at the chim-
ney joint. Locking bands wrap around pipe
joints equally covering the joints of both pipe
sections. Use the nut provided and TIGHTEN
snugly. Do not overtighten as this might dam-
age the chimney section (
refer to Figure 31
Note: If chimney extends more than 8' above
roof surface, guy wires are also recommended.
Use three (3) guy wires, attach to locking band
assembly, extend and secure to roof in a trian-
gular pattern (see Figure 32 ). Guy wires are not
supplied by the manufacturer.
Roof Ridge
Figure 32
Step 10. Using a FTF8-CTD Round Termination:
1. Hold the FTF8-CTD over top of last chimney
section (
Figure 33
2. Center inner slip section in inner flue pipe-
slip down.
Figure 33
3. Center outer locking section over outer flue
pipe. Push down until locking tabs are firmly
4. Pull up slightly on CTD to ensure locking joint
has firmly engaged.
Using a FTF8-CTDT Chase Termination:
Refer to specific installation instructions in-
cluded with the FTF8-CTDT chase termination
for clearance and installation details.
Using a FTF8-CT1 Chase Termination:
Refer to specific installation instructions in-
cluded with FTF8-CT1 chase terminations for
clearance and installation details.
Using a FTF8-CT2 Chase Termination:
Refer to specific installation instructions in-
cluded with FTF8-CT2 chase terminations for
clearance and installation details.
Step 8. Slide the FTF8 storm collar (ordered
separately) over outer chimney, rest on flash-
ing spacers and align with top surface of
flashing. Insert tab in slot, pull tight and bend
tab back over slot. Seal storm collar to outer
chimney with roof caulking or mastic around
entire circumference of pipe. Also add extra
roof caulking to the tab/slot area to seal com-
pletely against water penetration (
Figure 31
Check all joints very carefully to ensure no
water intrusion can take place.
Note: Do not apply excessive pressure to any
subsequent chimney sections following the
stabilizer when installing. Ensure each subse-
quent chimney section is securely attached by
testing as noted in Step 4.
Step 6. Select the proper Security Chimneys
roof flashing based on pitch of roof. Use chart
below for selection:
Roof Pitch Model
Flat to 6/12 F8F6
6/12 to 12/12 F8F12
FTF8 Chimney
FTF8 Flashing
Flashing Spacers
Do Not Seal
Figure 30
FTF8-S4 Stabilizer
Figure 28
Figure 29
Note: Do not caulk or seal the ventilating
Step 7. Secure flashing by nailing along the
perimeter into roof using 8d nails. If shingled
roof, slide upper end and sides of roof flash-
ing under shingles (trim if necessary), seal
the top and both sides of the flashing to the
roof with roof caulking. Cover nail heads with
roof caulking (
Figure 30
*Note: 2" clearance to combustibles required
in Canada.