12 Sun Blade X6240 Server Module Installation Guide • June 2008
Note – This chapter describes how to access ILOM through the command-line
interface and web browsers. For other methods, see the Sun Integrated Lights Out
Manager 2.0 User’s Guide (820-1188).
What Is a Service Processor?
A service processor (SP) is a component, located on the server module’s
motherboard, that operates independently of the other hardware in the system. The
SP has its own IP address and MAC address and is capable of operating regardless
of the state of the other system hardware. In a server module, the service processor
can operate whether the server module is fully operational, powered down, or
somewhere in between.
The chassis management module (CMM) and every server module in the chassis has
its own service processor.
Note the following terms used in this book:
■ The term chassis management module (CMM) refers to the hardware module on the
■ The CMM ILOM refers to the ILOM software on the CMM.
■ The server module SP (service processor) refers to the server module’s SP
■ The server module ILOM refers to the ILOM software on the server module SP.
Note that other server modules might have different service processors.
About the Preconfigured Administrator Account
The server module ILOM is shipped with a preconfigured Administrator account:
User name: root
Password: changeme
The preconfigured Administrator account, known as root, cannot be deleted or
changed, other than changing its password. This account offers built-in
administrative privileges (read and write access) to all service processor features and