
Appendix B Using the Tools & Drivers CD B-9
9. Edit the Boot Message Screen as follows.
a. Open the boot.msg file in a text editor.
b. Type the following line after 0-Local Machine.
c. Save and close the boot.msg file.
10. Edit the default PXE Configuration file as follows.
a. Open the default file in a text editor.
b. Type the following lines after the label0 section:
c. Save and close the default file.
11. Test the installation on the test machine.
# vi /tftpboot/linux-install/msgs/boot.msg
suppl_tau - Sun Fire X2250 Server Tools & Drivers CD
# vi /tftpboot/linux-install/pxelinux.cfg/default
label suppl_ven
kernel suppl_tau/memdisk
append initrd=suppl_tau/boot.img