26 Sun StorageTek Enterprise PCI-X 4 Gb FC Single & Dual Port Emulex HBAInstallation & Interop Guide • January 2007
▼ To Do A Manual Installation
Optionally, for Solaris 8 and 9, if you do not want to use the install_it script,
install the driver by adding the following packages and then patches.
The packages are available from the Sun Download Center (SDLC).
1. Go to http://www.sun.com/storage/san.
The Storage Area Networks (SAN) page displays.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and under Get the Software, click the “Sun
StorEdge SAN 4.4 release Software/Firmware Upgrades and Documentation”
If you are not already logged in, the Login page displays.
3. Enter your User Name and Password and click Login.
If you have not already registered, click Register Now before proceeding.
4. Accept the License Agreement.
The Download page is now available.
5. Locate and click the appropriate download file:
■ Solaris 8 SFS Base Packages, English
■ Solaris 9 SFS Base Packages, English
6. Provide the path to a directory location for the download file.
7. Follow the README instructions to install the packages.
The following package names are contained in both Solaris 8 and 9 download files
and must be installed in the order given below.
■ SUNWemlxs
■ SUNWemlxsx
■ SUNWemlxu
■ SUNWemlxux
Perform the following steps to download the Solaris 8 and 9 patches.