
2-2 Sun StorEdge A3500/A3500FC Hardware Configuration Guide December 1999
2.1 Configuration Guidelines
Use the following guidelines to install and cable or reconfigure your StorEdge
A3500FC system.
Caution The onboard SOC+ on the I/O board is not qualified yet to work with
the StorEdge A3500FC controller module.
Caution At this time, only single port connection is qualified on the dual-ported
host bus adapter card.
The part number for the 15 meter FC-AL host cable is 595-3379-xx; the Marketing
part number is X978A.
Do not exceed a fiber-optic cable length of 500 meters (1640.5 feet).
Install 16-bit, differential terminators to both HOST IN connectors on the back of
the controller module (
FIGURE 2-1).
FIGURE 2-1 Differential SCSI Terminators on Rear of Controller Module
Differential SCSI terminators—HOST IN