2-40 HP Portable Chillers Chapter 4: Operation 30 of 70
Indicator Name Description
SUB 1 LED The orange SUB1 LED lights when the process
temperature is three degrees or more below the
“To Process” setpoint. The compressor then shuts
down by means of a latching circuit, and it does
not run again until the temperature at the “To
Process” thermocouple is four degrees above the
AutoTune Key Press and hold the AT key for two seconds to
initiate or stop the auto-tune function
Display Key The functions of the Display key change based on
how long you press it. Press the Display key for
less than one (1) second to scroll through
parameters within the mode.
Down Arrow
Each press of the Down Arrow key decrements or
reduces values or settings on the SV display
Up Arrow Key Each press of the Up Arrow key increments or
advances the values or settings on the SV display.
Sterlco 2000 Controller
Indicator Name Description
Process Value LED During normal operation, the large red T LED on
the controller displays the actual process
temperature at the “To Process” thermocouple. It
also lists parameter symbols during setup and
error messages if an error occurs
Set Value LED During normal operation, the green SP LED on
the controller displays the process set point you
want the chiller to maintain. It also displays
parameter and pre-set function values during set
Index Key Press the Index key for less than (1) second to
scroll through parameters within the mode.
Up Arrow Key Each press of the Up Arrow key increments or
advances the values or settings on the SP display.
Down Arrow Key Each press of the Down Arrow key decrements or
reduces the values or settings on the SP display.
Enter Key Press the Enter key to verify or confirm an entry.