Motor Test Mode
Motor Test Mode allows the treadmill to calibrate both elevation and running belt speed. Verifies RPM
Sensor feedback, Drive Motor and MCB response, and verifies Elevation Motor range (count). Also
burns in the motor, by way of the controls and displays of the treadmill.
***Caution*** : Do not stand on the running belt while performing these test.
Engage Test Mode:
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together (or the “0” , “2” ). While holding the “ 0 ”
& “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” (or 2) key only. The display will beep and display
MANAGER (or MAINTENANCE) momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed.
2. Press and release the “8” key. Display will read: 240 3 .0 if treadmill is at 0%.
Alternative mode to enter Motor Test Mode:
1. Turn the power switch on while pressing the “ 8” key simultaneously on the display.
240 3 .0
A. Elevation Motor Range. B. PWM Duty Cycle. C. RPM Sensor Feedback
Once the treadmill is in TEST Mode, you may use the following keys:
INCLINE KEY: Adjust voltage to incline motor, inclines the treadmill in increments of 1%.
When using the Incline Keys verify the elevation system is responding correctly by the
• As the treadmill elevates up and down verify the corresponding LEDs light up on the MCB.
• Verify that the Elevation Motor Range (see above A column) is changing in increments of
1% as the treadmill elevates up and down.
Caution:Do not elevate treadmill above 15% = 57 (110v units), 80 (220v units) or below
0% = 240 (110 & 220v units) mechanical damage may occur.
SPEED KEYS: Adjust the PWM duty cycle and motor speed up and down, respectively,
in increments of 0.1 mph (UNITS=English) or 0.1km/hr (UNITS = Metric).
When using the Speed Keys verify the speed control system is responding correctly by the
the following:
• As the treadmill begins to increase speed, verify that the display registers RPM feedback
(see above C column) in increments of 0.1 mph/km.
START KEY: Starts burn-in mode. (continuous operation of running belt and incline using
program 8 at maximum speed. Press STOP KEY to stop burn-in.
STOP KEY: Exists MOTOR TEST Mode and restarts the treadmill.
HEART KEY: Starts automatic calibration of minimum, 1/2 maximum, & maximum speed.