MadiXtreme Preferences Pane (Macintosh)
Clock Master
Use this drop-down to set the master clock source for the selected MadiXtreme card:
• Internal. If this option is selected, MadiXtreme locks to its own on-board clock generator. Additionally, the BNC
connector operates as a WordClock output suitable to provide a clock reference to a slave device.
• WordClock. If this option is selected, MadiXtreme will lock to a WordClock signal received via its BNC connector, which
will operate as an input.
• MADI A or MADI B. If either of these options is selected, the MadiXtreme will lock to the MADI clock signal received
via the corresponding MADI input port.
(MADI-B is applicable only to the MadiXtreme 128.)
Sample Rate Selection
This drop-down allows a sample rate to be selected. The available sample rates are 44100Hz, 48000Hz, 88200Hz, 96000Hz,
176400Hz and 192000Hz.
MADI Channel Count
When 56 (28/14) Ch is selected, the MADI interface can transmit or receive up to 56 audio channels (reducing to 28
channels when operating at 88200 or 96000Hz and 14 channels when operating at 176400 or 192000Hz). When 64 (32/16)
Ch is selected, the MADI interface can transmit or receive up to 64 audio channels (reducing to 32 channels when
operating at 88200 or 96000Hz and 16 channels when operating at 176400 or 192000Hz). For MadiXtreme 128 these
settings apply to both MADI ports – they can not be set independently.
MADI Frame Format
When 48K (S/MUX) is selected and the card is operating at high sample rates (88200Hz or higher), the data for each
audio channel is transmitted or received over two or four channels of the MADI interface (ie., two at 88200 or 96000Hz,
four at 176400 or 192000Hz). The number of available channels is divided by two or four accordingly at these sample
When 96K / 192K is selected and the card is operating at high sample rates (88200Hz or higher), the frame rate is
multiplied by two or four and the frame size divided by two or four. The same restrictions to the number of channels apply
as in S/MUX mode.
For MadiXtreme 128 these settings apply to both MADI ports – they can not be set independently. For either card, please
ensure MadiXtreme is set to the same mode as the external device(s) connected to its MADI port(s).
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