Thank you for purchasing the AWS V4 Logictivity upgrade for your AWS console. After installation your system will
benefit from the full range of AWS900+ SE V4 features. These include:
Logictivity browser allowing renaming of scribble strips, external sources, mixes, and TR setups as well as
providing fast, reliable archiving and restoration of automation and TR setups over Ethernet.
Two switchable workstation layers with transport lock.
A-FADA mode where motorised analogue faders follow DAW Automation data.
Total Recall Autoscan and Autodetect.
MIDI over Ethernet driver (ipMIDI). This driver eliminates the need for a remote MIDI interface between your AWS
console and workstation.
AUTO CUE option for talkback, listen mic and red light switch.
Monitor volume control calibration for film mixing and fine gain control options.
Solo boost and Solo isolate.
Seperate EFX and CHOP selection allows channel output to be sourced pre-fader while the EFX system feeds the
track busses to generate stereo headphone mixes.
Single layer DAW mode allows two DAWs to be configured on the same layer, giving parallel access to both
Before attempting the upgrade, please read these instructions in full to ensure that you have sufficient time,
technical skills and the required crossover RJ45 network cable to complete the upgrade. If you would prefer an SSL
technician to complete the upgrade, please contact your local SSL distributor or office.