CS4000 Mini Controller with Ethernet
T-38324-A 39-30-38324
Ethernet Interface Card
The Ethernet interface card (part number 420959-38093) is a printed circuit board into which internal
component cables of the Ethernet network are plugged. It requires a 1A, 5V power supply that it draws
from the 24VDC power supply inside the controller and converts to the necessary voltage.
The Ethernet interface card lets you connect individual controllers to a host device forming a LAN,
using TCP/IP. The card comes with its own software and fits into the interior of the CS4000 Mini
Controller with Ethernet, forming a connection with the Ethernet connector on the bottom panel of the
controller. To attach to the Ethernet network, you need an Ethernet connector on the computer that
will be the host, and an Ethernet cable with RJ-45 modular jacks attached to both ends. One of these
RJ-45 modular jacks plugs into the Ethernet connector on the PC and the other plugs into the Ethernet
connector on the controller.
Figure 3-10 shows the Ethernet interface card and its sub-components.
Figure 3-10. Ethernet Interface Card
COM1, J21
COM2, J22
serial port, J7
LED 2 to LED 7
Ethernet connector, J12