
SpectraLink Corporation Installation, Configuration, and Administration
NetLink SVP Server (within IP environments)
PN: 72-0178-01-F.doc Page 32
RX – Ethernet statistics concerning the received packets during System Uptime.
bytes – bytes received
packets – packets received
errors – Sum of all receive errors (long packet, short packet, CRC, overrun,
drop – packets dropped due to insufficient memory
fifo – overrun occurred during reception
alignment – nonoctet-aligned packets (number of bits NOT divisible by eight)
multicast – packets received with a broadcast or multicast destination address
TX – Ethernet statistics concerning the transmitted packets during System Uptime.
bytes – bytes transmitted
packets – packets transmitted
errors – Sum of all transmit errors (heartbeat, late collision, repeated collision,
underrun, carrier)
drop – packets dropped due to insufficient memory
fifo – underrun occurred during transmission
carrier – carrier lost during transmission
collisions – packets deferred (delayed) due to collision
SVP-II Access Points in Use – APs in use by wireless telephones, either in standby or
in a call.‘Last’ is current, ‘Max’ is the maximum number in use at one time.
SVP-II Access Points in Calls – APs with wireless telephones in a call.
SVP-II Telephones in Use – wireless telephones in standby or in a call.
SVP-II Telephones in Calls – wireless telephones in a call.
SVP-II SRP Audio (Delay) – SRP audio packets whose transmission was momentarily
SVP-II SRP Audio (Lost) – SRP audio packets dropped due to insufficient memory