Diagnostic Tools
PN: 1725-36034-001_B.doc 79
• Association failures since power up (AssocFailure)
• Re-association failures since power up (ReAssocFail)
Screen 5
S e c - Er r Count nnnnn
L s t S ecEr r Seq nnnnn
• Security error count since power up (Sec-ErrCount)
• MAC sequence number of frame with last security error
Syslog Mode
A syslog server must be present on the network in order for the
handset to send the log messages and have them saved. The syslog
server will be found with DHCP option 7 if the handset is using
DHCP. If static addresses are configured, the syslog server’s IP
address can be configured statically in the Admin menu.
If the syslog server address is blank ( or, or the handset is using DHCP and no option 7 is
received from the DHCP server, the handset will not send any syslog
Admin menu options:
• *Disabled turns syslog off. (default)
• Errors causes the handset to log only events that are considered to
be an error (see below).
• Events logs all errors plus also some other interesting events (see
• Full logs all the above plus a running stream of other quality
information (see below).
VoIPon www.voipon.co.uk sales@voipon.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1245 808195 Fax: +44 (0)1245 808299