Starlet Owner’s Manual Page 3
SpeakerCraft highly recommends the use of a qualified custom installation specialist when installing your Starlet speakers. Please
note that all Starlet models require a separate powered subwoofer. In addition, the Starlets 6 and 9 are bi-amplified and require
precise electrical adjustment with a voltmeter and test CD. If this sounds intimidating please consult an expert. You can get
assistance in locating an installation specialist please by contacting SpeakerCraft at 1-800-448-0976.
All three Starlet models are the world’s first coincident in-wall line sources. They have acoustical properties that will produce great
advantages in custom installations, but there is one factor that the installer must be aware of when specifying which model to
use and when determining the best listening location.
A pair of Starlets produce a startling and clear stereo image, making a center
speaker unnecessary in many installations. However, the high frequency output
of a line source is only audible to listeners whose ear level is directly in line with
the speaker array. In other words, if a pair of Starlets are installed at seated ear
level and if the listener stands up, so that his or her ears are above the top of
the top speaker, the high notes will vanish. (See Diagram 2) This is the reason
why very long Starlet models are made available. In a large room where people
are going to be listening while seated or standing, the two larger models
(Starlets 6 or 9) are optimum.
By “coincident”, we mean that the acoustic center of the woofer (low frequency)
array and the acoustic center of the tweeter (high frequency) array are lined
up. This means that there are no frequency shifts to the right or left side of the
speaker, and this advantage is why the image produced by the Starlets is supe
rior to any previous in-wall speaker.
SpeakerCraft’s engineers have experimented extensively with the correct height for
Starlets and recommend that the installer determine the listener’s seated ear height.
For the best sonic balance and image, the center of any Starlet model should be
located 5" to 7" above this ear height. (See Diagram 3) In most of the rooms we
have looked at, this means the center of the Starlet should be 48" to 49". On the
Starlet 9, this means the top of the speaker will be about 7 feet high.
In rooms where the Starlets must be higher than this recommendation, it is impera
tive to make sure that the seated listening position be at least in line with the division
between the lowest and the next-to-lowest driver module. If this cannot be achieved,
use a larger Starlet model.
Diagram 2:
Side and Top Views of
Line Source Sound Dispersion
Diagram 3:
Listening Height