
For Machines Mfg. Since 8/09 Model SB1027
Maintenance Schedule
Always disconnect
machine from power before
performing maintenance or
serious personal injury may
Machine Storage
Each operator of this machine is responsible
for ensuring proper care of the equipment. We
strongly recommend that all operators make
a habit of following the daily maintenance
For optimum performance from this machine,
this maintenance schedule must be strictly
followed. Use the Monthly Maintenance Chart
on Page 42 to ensure this is done.
To maintain a low risk of injury and proper
machine operation, if you ever observe any of the
items below shut the machine down immediately,
disconnect it from power, and fix the problem
before continuing operations.
• Loosemountingboltsorfasteners.
• Worn,frayed,cracked,ordamagedwires.
• EmergencySTOPbuttonnotworking
• Missingbeltguards.
• Reductioninbrakingspeedorefficiency.
• Coolantnotflowingcorrectly.
• Anyotherunsafecondition.
Before Beginning Operations
• Makesuretheelectricboxdoorisclosedand
properly latched.
• Turnthespindledirectionswitchtothe
STOP (middle) position and the speed dial
all the way counterclockwise to prevent high-
speed spindle startup when connected to
power (see Page 26).
• Movethedownfeedselectortothemanual
(forward) position to prevent the spindle
from unexpectedly downfeeding when
rotation is started (see Page 35).
• MakesuretheX-axispowerfeedisturned
OFF to prevent unintentional table
movement when connected to power (see
Page 28).
• Checkthecoolantreservoirinthebase.Fill
or clean out if necessary (see Page 48).
• Performthelubricationtasksasdirectedin
the Lubrication section on Page 43.
• Checktablemovementinallthreeaxesfor
loose/tight gibs. Adjust the gibs if necessary
(see Page 50).
Daily, After Operations
• PushtheemergencySTOPbutton,turnthe
main power switch to the OFF position, and
disconnect the machine from power.
• Vacuum/cleanallchipsandswarffromtable,
slides, and base.
• Wipedownallunpaintedormachined
surfaces with a good quality rust