Menu Contents
Chapter 4 Menu Settings
INT AUDIO SG [>Audio SG]: Select the operation of the
internal audio test signal generator.
SILENCE [>> silence]: Silent signal
*1kHz SINE [>> 1kHz]: 1-kHz, −20 dB FS sine wave signal
When you select SG as the audio input in the INPUT SELECT
section on the front panel, the audio test signal generated by
the internal audio test signal generator is input.
OUTPUT CH3/4 [>OUT ch3/4]: Select the signals to be output
from the AUDIO OUT CH-3 and AUDIO OUT CH-4
*LINE OUT [>> line out]: Output the audio channel-3 and
audio channel-4 signals from the AUDIO OUT CH-3 and
AUDIO OUT CH-4 connectors as they are.
MONITOR OUT [>> monitor]: Output the monitor audio L-
channel (CH-1) and monitor audio R-channel (CH-2)
signals from the AUDIO OUT CH-3 and AUDIO OUT CH-
4 connectors, respectively.
OUTPUT PHASE [>Out phase]: Select the audio playback
signal output timing.
AUDIO OUTPUT PHASE: 0 to FF (Select in this range.)
The reference position corresponds to a setting of 80H. When
a value smaller than 80H is selected, the output timing is
advanced, and when a value larger than 80H is selected, the
output timing is delayed. (80H = 128 samples = approx. 2.7
ms, 1 sample = approx. 20 µs)
Factory default setting: 80H
JOG CONTROL [> Jog ctrl]: Select whether to adjust the
audio playback speed during slow playback.
OFF [>> OFF]: Do not adjust the audio playback speed.
*ON [>> ON]: Adjust the audio playback speed.
SHUTTLE MUTE [>Shutl mute]: Set the audio muting
conditions during shuttle playback.
*OFF [>> OFF]: Not muted.
CUEUP or PREROLL [>> CUEUP]: Muted during cue-up or
preroll operations.
FULL [>> FULL]: Muted in shuttle mode.
AUDIO EDIT [>Audio edit]: Specify the type of editing for
audio signals.
CUT EDIT [>> Cut edit]: Cut editing (Discontinuity in audio
signal may result at the editing point, causing noise during
*CROSS FADE [>> Cross]: Cross-fade
FADE IN/OUT [>> Fade]: Fade in and fade out
DV PB ATT [>DV PB ATT]: When playing back a tape
recorded in consumer DV format, select whether to
attenuate the audio output level.
OFF [>> OFF]: Do not attenuate.
*ON [>> ON]: Attenuate.
DIGITAL PROCESS [Digi. proc]: Settings related to digital
Description of settings
SYSTEM EE MODE [>System EE]: Select the bypass E-E
mode or system E-E mode.
*OFF [>> OFF]: Bypass E-E (ordinary setting)
ON [>> ON]: System E-E
AUDIO CONTROL [Audio]: Settings related to audio
Description of settings