D:\Printer\DPPFP85.95 series\IM\3285420121DPPFP85.95IM_GB\3285420121\3285420121DPPFP8595IM_GB\050C03.fm
Master: Right
DPP-FP85/FP95 3-285-420-12 (1)
Direct printing
Item Settings Contents
Date Print Date/Time, Date Prints an image with the date and time of shooting when
the image is recorded according to the DCF (Design rule
for Camera File system) format and the date and time of
shooting is recorded as part of shooting information. You
can select “Date” or “Date/Time.”
When the image is edited on the printer, the date and time
you input in saving an image is printed.
Off* Prints an image without the date and time.
Borders Pattern 1/Pattern 2 Prints an image with borders around the image. To print
an image without being cut, select “Pattern 1.” To leave
almost-equal borders in the top, bottom, right and left
around an image, select “Pattern 2.”
When you select “Pattern 2,” the top and bottom edges or right
and left edges may be trimmed and printed depending on the
Borderless* Prints an image without blank space around the image.
When printing a standard 4:3 picture shot by a digital camera,
the top and bottom edges of the image are cut and it is printed
as a 3:2 picture.
UP Setting
You can specify the correction level each for the following elements when the
AUTO TOUCH-UP button is pressed. You can select “Off,” “Standard*,”
“Strong.” (For “Red-eye Correction,” you can select “On*” or “Off.”
• Skin Smoothing: The skin status is automatically recognized and adjusted
to its optimum status.
• Exposure Correction: The brightness is adjusted by using the face
recognition features.
• Focus Correction: Off-focus image will be adjusted to on-focus image.
• Red-eye Correction: Reduces the red-eye phenomenon shot by flash.
*: Factory settings
Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Borderless